
甘肃西储工贸有限责任公司是一家经国家相关部门批准注册,经营冶金矿产,化工,铁合金类产品的股份制民营企业。 公司成立至今,一直秉着“惟贤惟德、革故鼎新”的理念,先后与国内外众多企业达成长期合作关系。在市场信息、产品质量、物流运输以及售后服务等诸多方面,给予客户最大的帮助。再以用户需求为中心的同时,经过不断的提升和不懈的努力,先后形成了铁合金类(硅系)、化工(化学试剂)两大主打产品。 我们相信,通过我们的不断努力和追求,一定能够实现与各企业的互利共赢! gansu xichu industry and trade, ltd is a shareholding system of private enterprise which approved by the relevant state departments the company mainly engaged in metallurgical mineral, chemical industry and ferroalloy adhering to the purpose of “had virtuous that creat and develop”, xichu has built a long-term cooperative with many companies both from domestics and overseas since its the company gives customers the greatest help in many respects in market information, product quality, logistics and transportation and after-sale it put users’ needs as the at the same time, after continuous improvement and unremitting efforts, our company has been formed two main products ---iron alloy (silicon series) and chemical industry (chemical reagents) we believed, through our continuous efforts and pursuit, we will have a bright future of mutual benefit and common [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:甘肃 兰州市 城关区 雁滩家园 浙ICP备17016739号-4
